How Schools Cope with Quarantine by Shifting to Online Education


Many companies with expertise in file servers using cloud technology are finding opportunities even amidst the pandemic. As the world’s economy slows down because of the impact of COVID-19, tech firms are capitalizing on several needs that have evolved since the quarantine began in many countries. Even when the public health crisis totally ends, the need for these companies is expected to grow as many sectors realize the necessity of investing in various technologies that would help ensure continuity of business, trade, governance, and other areas of work.

Current Risks of Onsite Schooling

One such sector is the field of education which is now forced to rely more and more on advances in technology. The onset of the pandemic has shut down schools, colleges, and universities across all continents. Public health experts warned that allowing students to go back to school would unnecessarily expose them to possible viral infections. While not all countries have imposed a total lockdown in their respective jurisdictions, most governments have ordered educational institutions to temporarily halt live, on-site classes.

Based on guidelines from the World Health Organization, all persons including teachers, non-academic staff, and students should not go to the school campus to avoid coming into contact with COVID-19 positive individuals. This is very difficult especially if a carrier of the virus is asymptomatic, meaning he or she does not exhibit any symptoms and yet still has the potential of infecting others. For schools that will continue with onsite classes with a limited number of participants, frequent handwashing is recommended together with the wearing of medical-grade masks that stop the spread of the virus. Scientists have already established that viral transmission via droplets from saliva can spread the virus from one person to another. This can only be stopped with the use of the said mask and plastic, transparent face shields. Schools were also reminded by authorities to impost strict physical distancing and regularly hold sanitation and cleaning activities inside the school, most especially in restrooms, classrooms, and the faculty office. These institutions are also required by their respective governments to impose strict physical distancing rules for all persons inside their campus.

Learning Management System Saves the School

Given the public health situation, educational institutions have shifted their focus to online educational methods and technologies such as the Learning Management System or LMS. The LMS is a way for students to continue learning by getting access to an internet-based site usually without the need for new software or hardware. Through a portal, a student gets to study different modules or subjects, plays educational games, and even answers quizzes and long tests online. The LMS also has audio-video references for each learning topic. Each module or subject is further sub-divided into individual lessons that can be taken by the student at home or anywhere with a laptop and internet access.

Easy to Install and Use

The LMS as a learning platform has many advantages that teachers, students, and their parents can benefit from. First, for LMS systems or brands that require installation, the process is very easy and can even be done by the students themselves. This technology was designed to be very user-friendly since the student body is actually the main end-user. Developers of LMS platforms have even deliberately made the interface or user experience very similar to how people use social media. The technology must be high enough to meet digital standards especially for videos and other graphic arts that will be uploaded onto the server as part of educational resources. At the same time, the makers of the LMS want students and teachers alike to have a social media-like experience in using the platform. They also want parents or adult guardians to be comfortable in using the LMS especially if they only have very basic computer skills.

Mobile Learning At Its Best

online studying

Second, the LMS technology is very mobile. Most LMS platforms are best used on a computer or laptop but the latest versions can also be accessed using tablets and even smartphones. This allows the students to have flexibility in the use of their preferred or available gadgets for learning. Due to its portability, students can travel and still have the ability to go to the learning portal and not miss any lesson.

Big Storage for Learning Materials

Third, its cloud storage capability enables teachers and other educators to upload new lessons and other references for the use of students. Unlike books or printed materials, the LMS is also a good tool for watching educational videos, going to links to other related website pages about a certain topic or lesson, and the students usually get immediate feedback on quizzes and tests at the end of each online exam.

These are only a few advantages in the use of LMS. Even when the pandemic is declared officially over, the use of educational technology may already become more mainstream and is, in fact, standard fare in many public and private schools. Learning outcomes are also very satisfactory when it comes to the use of LMS technology, based on recent studies on the platform. Indeed, schools of tomorrow are already available today in no small measure due to innovations in computer technology and data science.

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